Application Tips – Recondition the sensitive skin with Annique Sensi Crème.
Step 1:
Use the Sensi Crème as a cleanser (evenings); moisturiser (evenings and mornings) for 10 – 14 days.
Step 2:
Replace the Sensi Crème in your skincare routine every 10 – 14 days with ONE other Annique product. Start with the Cleanser for Normal and moving on to Skin Detox and the pH Balancing Freshener.
Step 3:
After another 10 – 14 days add the Annique Crème de Nuit to nourish the skin. Do not stop using the Sensi Crème as a moisturiser during the mornings and evenings.
Step 4:
After another 10 – 14 days add the Annique Revitalising Cream if rejuvenation is required. You can keep doing this until the Sensi Crème has been replaced by a normal skincare range of products.